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;;;; cl-bible.lisp
(defvar *translations* '(("Menge" :mng)
("King James Version" :kjv)
("Vulgata" :vul)
("Greek Bible" :grb)
("Elberfelder Übersetzung 1871" :elb1871)
("NEÜ" :neue)
("Luther 1545" :luth1545)
("Luther 1912" :luth1912)
("Schlachter 1951" :sch1951)
("Ukrainische Version" :ukr)))
(defun load-bible (filename)
(uiop:read-file-string (uiop:native-namestring filename)))))
(defvar *translation* :mng)
(defvar *bible*)
(defun load-bibles ()
(ensure-directories-exist (uiop:native-namestring "~/.bible/"))
(if (uiop:file-exists-p (uiop:native-namestring "~/.bible/bible.sexp"))
(setf *bible* (load-bible "~/.bible/bible.sexp"))
(setf *bible*
(asdf:system-relative-pathname :cl-bible
(defun update-bible (translation)
(setf *translation* (intern translation :keyword)))
(defun persist-bible (bible filename filepath)
(with-open-file (file (uiop:native-namestring (concatenate 'string filepath filename ".sexp"))
:direction :output
:if-exists :overwrite
:if-does-not-exist :create)
(print (v:to-sexp bible) file)))
(defun persist (&optional (filepath "~/.bible/"))
(ensure-directories-exist (uiop:native-namestring filepath))
(persist-bible *bible* "bible" filepath))
(defvar mapping '(("Genesis" . "Genesis")
("Exodus" . "Exodus")
("Levitikus" . "Levitikus")
("Numeri" . "Numeri")
("Deuteronomium" . "Deuteronomium")
("Josua" . "Josua")
("Richter" . "Richter")
("Rut" . "Ruth")
("1 Samuel" . "1 Samuel")
("2 Samuel" . "2 Samuel")
("1 Könige" . "1 Könige")
("2 Könige" . "2 Könige")
("1 Chronik" . "1 Chronika")
("2 Chronik" . "2 Chronika")
("Esra" . "Esra")
("Nehemia" . "Nehemia")
("Ester" . "Esther")
("Ijob" . "Hiob")
("Psalmen" . "Psalmen")
("Sprüche" . "Sprüche")
("Kohelet" . "Kohelet")
("Hohelied" . "Hohelied")
("Jesaja" . "Jesaja")
("Jeremia" . "Jeremia")
("Klagelieder" . "Klagelieder")
("Ezechiel" . "Hesekiel")
("Daniel" . "Daniel")
("Hosea" . "Hosea")
("Joël" . "Joel")
("Amos" . "Amos")
("Obadja" . "Obadja")
("Jona" . "Jona")
("Micha" . "Micha")
("Nahum" . "Nahum")
("Habakuk" . "Habakuk")
("Zephanja" . "Zephania")
("Haggai" . "Haggai")
("Sacharja" . "Sacharia")
("Maleachi" . "Maleachi")
("Matthäus" . "Matthäus")
("Markus" . "Markus")
("Lukas" . "Lukas")
("Johannes" . "Johannes")
("Apostelgeschichte" . "Apostelgeschichte")
("Römer" . "Römer")
("1 Korinther" . "1 Korinther")
("2 Korinther" . "2 Korinther")
("Galater" . "Galater")
("Epheser" . "Epheser")
("Philipper" . "Philipper")
("Kolosser" . "Kolosser")
("1 Thessalonicher" . "1 Thessalonicher")
("2 Thessalonicher" . "2 Thessalonicher")
("1 Timotheus" . "1 Timotheus")
("2 Timotheus" . "2 Timotheus")
("Titus" . "Titus")
("Philemon" . "Philemon")
("Hebräer" . "Hebräer")
("Jakobus" . "Jakobus")
("1 Petrus" . "1 Petrus")
("2 Petrus" . "2 Petrus")
("1 Johannes" . "1 Johannes")
("2 Johannes" . "2 Johannes")
("3 Johannes" . "3 Johannes")
("Judas" . "Judas")
("Offenbarung" . "Offenbarung")
("Judit" . "Judit")
("Weisheit" . "Weisheit")
("Tobit" . "Tobit")
("Sirach" . "Sirach")
("Baruch" . "Baruch")
("1 Makkabäer" . "1 Makkabäer")
("2 Makkabäer" . "2 Makkabäer")
("xDaniel" . "xDaniel")
("Manasse" . "Manasse")
("xEster" . "xEster")))
(defun add-bible (bible new name mapping)
(mapc (lambda (map)
(mapc (lambda (old new)
(push (cons name (v:text new))
(v::translations old)))
( bible (car map))
( new (cdr map))))